Featured Fiction (ish) NSFW / Sex 

Nudge, Nudge

Spoon me, please. Throw your arms around me, draw me in close, and let my ass nestle into that space beneath your stomach where it fits so perfectly and snugly. I’ll do that little butt nudge you like. You know the one: a tiny little sign that’s barely a sign at all, subtle enough to almost miss but obvious enough to let you know exactly what’s on my mind. I’ll drop the nudge in casually like I’m stretching or positioning myself into your hug, but I’m really making sure your…

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My Dating Life NSFW / Sex Patreon-Only Area The Work Colleague True Tales 

Act A: The Photograph

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Big Love My Dating Life NSFW / Sex True Tales 

A Blast of a Third Date

“Get down on the ground!” I watched him fall to the floor, not quite knowing what to do. There was a lot of commotion around me, but the alarm hadn’t gone off yet. That was usually the first thing to alert us to the danger — loud, repetitive, and every bit as frightening as the event it was used to signify. “Get down on the ground!” he shouted at me again. I still had the strange, whistling sound we’d just heard in my head, replaying over and over and drowning…

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NSFW / Sex True Tales 

Two, Maybe Three Times

“Babe, I’ll be back in a bit. Just getting dinner stuff. Love you!” As soon as I hear the door shut I spring into action, starting by turning the TV down so I can hear if he comes back sooner than expected. I then throw myself on the bed and reach into the bottom drawer of the cabinet, floating my hands over the array of toys staring back at me. Which one should I pick today? If he’s only getting dinner stuff, I’ve probably got around 15 minutes before he…

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Bear Featured My Dating Life NSFW / Sex 


Right, quit fucking about now. Fuck me. Or let me fuck you. I don’t care which way around it is, I just need to feel your dick inside me and your hands on my naked body and your lips … don’t even get me started on just how much I’ve been thinking about your lips. We’re on eight months-ish of abstinence now. Whatever strength I had before is fading away. I’m no longer calm. I don’t want to be patient or understanding. I’m not in the mood to make jokes…

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My Dating Life NSFW / Sex The Lapdog True Tales 


Soooooo, do you remember a blog post I shared a little while ago called I Miss My Twenties? Well, it seems that if you talk about ’em, they’ll pop up. And pop up he did … This blog post is dedicated to him. ***** You always seem to message me on Saturday nights. I’m guessing that’s because Saturday night was always our night. Everyone else would be out partying, but not us. We’d be sat in your car somewhere, talking shit, kissing, touching, listening to music. I’m listening to our…

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