My Dating Life NSFW / Sex Someone New True Tales 

Why Do You Like It When I Watch?

Here’s something I’ve learned: Someone New likes me to watch him. I think it’s a fetish of his. Not other people watching us; me watching him. It’s become a trend. He likes it when I watch him jerk off. This is new for me! I’ve never been with a guy that’s asked me to watch. I wasn’t really 100% sure how I felt about it … how I feel about it. I’ve never really been in a position where a man has asked me to watch while he touches himself…

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My Dating Life NSFW / Sex Sex Tips Someone New 

What To Do When You Accidentally Break His Penis

There’s nothing more annoying than spending three hours primping and preening yourself, getting ready for a good night of action after a few weeks away, only to get there and break your boyfriend’s penis. Oh yeah, I broke his penis. Friday afternoon, I went for a bikini wax. Someone New wanted me baby smooth so he would get me baby smooth. Friday evening, I realised the waxer hadn’t exactly done the greatest of jobs. Saturday morning, I call up waxer to bitch and moan. Saturday afternoon, I headed back down…

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Dating Advice My Dating Life Someone New 

Is There Anything Wrong With Harmless Flirting?

Is There Anything Wrong With Harmless Flirting?  Sometimes harmless flirting is just that – harmless flirting. I personally, do not see flirting as cheating. I think flirty banter with people other than your boyfriend / girlfriend is healthy. It reminds you that you are human – you have needs and desires. I flirt a lot, whether I’m in a relationship or out of it. I’m quite blessed to have a job that involves “research“, and a lot of this research means hanging around internet dating sites and apps, and judging…

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My Dating Life Someone New 

The Fucking Circus

As great as Someone New is, sometimes I can’t help but feel like he is deliberately going out of his way to piss me off. He went to the circus tonight. He went to the circus with his four work colleagues – the two pre-pubescent boys and the girl he works with. The girl he used to fuck. The girl he was fucking not that long ago – just before me. How fucking cozy. See, normally I wouldn’t mind. I know they work together. I know they’ve fucked. I know…

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My Dating Life Someone New 

I Can’t Help But Think He’s My Aidan

I was watching Sex and the City earlier on today and it was that episode where Aidan and Carrie are living together, engaged, and she is having a very serious negative reaction to getting married / trying on a crappy dress. I remember the first time I watched the series, thinking that Carrie and Aidan made such a great match, but I figured she would always get back with Mr. Big at some point. Aidan was too nice, wasn’t he? Almost too perfect? I like to call those guys the…

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My Dating Life Someone New 

What Happened To Manners?

So, something happened yesterday between Someone New and I that actually really pissed me off and I realised a little something. I don’t know if it is misunderstood arrogance, or whether he’s just plain rude but sometimes, he’s just plain rude. It’s something that has been bugging me for a little while, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was wrong. I might be overreacting here but sometimes, it feels as if nothing I do is quite enough for this guy. Before you jump down my throat and…

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