My Dating Life NSFW / Sex Number 35: The Take-Me-To-The-Woods-Guy One Ball The Hubby True Tales 

Here We Go Again: Meet Number 35

Something has happened, people. Trouble is brewing. I can feel it. To be fair, trouble has already landed in my inbox, but isn’t that what happens when life seems to be going along swimmingly? Something comes along from your past to try and bite you in the ass? “Hello u long time no speak how u been? Xx” That’s it. That’s what I got. The message that popped into my Facebook inbox as One Ball and I were having a casual cup of tea with my mother. The message came…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

Breathe a Sigh of Relief … ?

One Ball has been driving me mad. Don’t worry, we’re not breaking up or anything like that. He was staying at mine and one week magically turned into two weeks and by the time he left I was on the verge of throwing in the towel and kicking him to the curb for good. And despite telling me he’d be spending some time with family and friends and whatever while he was here, he actually only spent two days and one night with them. He was at mine for the…

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Big Love My Dating Life Number 35: The Take-Me-To-The-Woods-Guy One Ball The Lapdog 

April showers – It’s Raining Men!

Something’s going on here, I’m not entirely sure what. My head is all over the place. I think I need to get it down in print to clear my head. It feels like I haven’t blogged in such a long time and I have so much to catch you up on. I warn you, peeps, this could turn into a really long blog post. We’ll start with the P-word. Period. It seemed like it’d been such a long time since I had a period, so I thought I’d better check…

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My Dating Life My Mr. Grey One Ball 

I Want to Fuck My Mr. Grey

I did a really stupid thing: I text My Mr. Grey. I don’t really know why I did it. I think I was just overthinking the shitty second week One Ball and I had together, overanalysing all the little flaws I can see starting to appear in our relationship. He’s quite immature and boyish at times, and he really can’t make a decision to save his life, and there are lots of other little things that are making me think perhaps he’s just not the right kind of guy for…

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My Dating Life My Mr. Grey One Ball 

Paranoid Prick

You want to know whether or not I fucked My Mr. Grey on his visit down to my end of the country, don’t you? Don’t worry, I’m not going to beat around the bush. I’ll get to the point: I didn’t do it. I didn’t fuck My Mr. Grey. And although it was the right decision – the moral one – I’m not happy about it at all. Nope. Not at all. One Ball is a good man. We’ve had our ups and downs, yes, but he’s been a very…

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Mental Health My Dating Life One Ball 

Impending Boom

Something’s wrong. I don’t know what it is, but something is definitely wrong. I feel out of sorts. Not quite right. Irritated and restless. It’s driving me potty. I’ve thought a lot about self-harming recently, but I’ve not actually done it. Not in a grab-the-razor-and-cut way, anyway. But a few mornings ago, when my hair wouldn’t go right, I scratched the tops of my arms so hard that I drew blood. I didn’t mean to, it’s just a … thing. Almost like I don’t know I’m doing it until after…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

Advice, Please?

Right, peeps, I need your help. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don’t know what to do about One Ball and I. Should we break up? Should I just do it and be done with it? Or is he a good guy that deserves a bit more time? And before you answer that question, I have something to tell you that’ll complicate things even further … I’m starting to crush on his best friend. (As if the My Mr. Grey stuff wasn’t complication…

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My Dating Life One Ball 


It’s been an interesting weekend, peeps. The crush with One Ball’s best friend that I talked about in my previous post? Yep, it’s grown in intensity. I’ve started imagining his face when I’m fucking myself with a toy at night. Worse than that: I’ve started imagining his face when I’m fucking One Ball. That’s bad, right? Like … really, really bad. I’m not doing it deliberately. It’s happening by accident, and it’s taking everything in me not to call my boyfriend by his best friend’s name. But it seemed to…

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Jock My Dating Life One Ball 

Out With the Old, In With the New?

I did it. I broke up with One Ball. I broke up with him because I didn’t have time for a relationship, and definitely not the relationship we were trying to have. I’m trying to spin too many plates at once. It’s not him, it’s me. Yadda, yadda, yadda. So, I decided to remove myself from all dating applications and sites and NOT look for a man. I need to focus on myself for a while. Get my life back on track, then find time to insert a partner into…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

Dear One Ball …

Dear One Ball, There are a lot of reasons I broke up with you, and I know that you’re going to disagree with at least 90% of them. But you wanted a list so I’m giving it to you. Don’t say I never offered you closure. To start with, I’m terrified that you’ll read my blog … again. I haven’t written in it properly for months, and I think it’s because I’m worried that I’ll say too much, you’ll read it, and then we’ll fight because you’re upset. It feels…

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