My Mr. Grey One Ball The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of The Lapdog 

My Men: The Update

After a conversation at work today, I realised the men in my life were a mess and more than a little confusing. For my own benefit, as well as to keep you all in the loop, I have decided to try and make sense of what is going on. There’s My Mr. Grey …  I haven’t really been paying My Mr Grey a lot of attention these days. I don’t have the patience to deal with him while he figures out what he really wants. I adore him, I tell him…

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My Mr. Grey One Ball The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of 

So, Today I Met a Boy …

I’m getting old and my teenage crush moments are few and far between these days, and that’s the explanation I’m giving for writing what is probably going to be a pathetic excuse for a blog post. In advance, soz. I met a boy. We’ve been speaking for a while, after meeting on Plenty of Fish, and I’ve decided to call him One Ball. Why? Because he’s only got one ball. He was born that way, apparently, and he’s quite forward when it comes to talking about it. He’s quite forward…

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My Mr. Grey The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of The Lapdog 

Biting Me in the Ass!

Today, all the man-juggling I’d been doing recently turned around and bit me right on the ass. We all knew it was going to happen eventually, right? I’m still up in the air with the whole My Mr. Grey thing, but since he couldn’t make up his mind what was going on and left me dangling, I figured I’d get on with life. Not in a deliberate I’m-going-to-find-someone-new way, but in a carry-on-like-before way. But it’s all gotten a little bit … complicated.   THE GUY I COULDN’T GET RID…

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My Mr. Grey 

I Asked the Question… And Got No Answers!

I decided it was finally time for me to stop being a pussy, bite the bullet, and actually ask My Mr. Grey – OUTRIGHT – what the deal was between us. I huffed and I puffed and I paced the room a hundred times or more, typing out the message, rewriting it, deleting the entire thing and then starting all over from scratch again. It was nerve-wracking. I know we’ve discussed how we feel already, and how we both want it to go further, but now it really comes down…

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Big Love My Mr. Grey 

The Truth about Long-Distance Relationships

I haven’t blogged for a while, and let me tell you why: NOTHING has happened. Literally nothing. Nada. There’s nothing going on in my life. Boring. I still haven’t had *that conversation* with My Mr. Grey, so things are still floating in the air like a stinking fart. In my head, we’re in a relationship, so I’m not actively pursuing anyone else. It’s been a month since I last saw him, and I’ve not had sex at all since then. It feels like it’s been a year, not a month.…

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My Mr. Grey The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of 

I Did It!!!!

So, folks, I’ve got something to tell you all and I think you’ll be very proud of me. Actually, I have three quite exciting things to tell you. Are you ready? One: I’m in a relationship … kinda. Two: I told My Mr. Grey exactly how I felt about him. (See: Dear My Mr. Grey.) Three: He told me that he felt the same. Just give me a moment while I jump up and down on the spot and scream with flipping glee. Give me another moment. Imma need it.…

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My Mr. Grey 

Dear My Mr. Grey,

Following on from my two days of complete kinky fuckery, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a little bit in love with My Mr. Grey. And by a little bit, I actually mean a lot. Don’t get me wrong, this is a common emotion for me to have after one of our little rendezvous’, and it happens every couple of years or so. I’m familiar with it. But this time, it’s different. I’m actually pining. And it really sucks. Today was my first full day of being completely smoke-free.…

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My Mr. Grey True Sex Stories 

Warning! Explicit Content!

I’ve had two days off work. Do you want to know what I have done for those two days? Let me let you in on my dirty little secret: I have fucked, drank wine, ate dinner, laughed, walked, talked, fucked, fucked some more, and fucked a little bit more again. In short, the last two days of my life have been spent between the sheets, or rather, on top of them; and although I’m more than a little sore right now, I have this kind of after-sex glow and a…

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