Big Love My Dating Life My Mate's Date's Mate 

Collateral (Number 40)

Did you ever have sex with someone just because you thought you ought to, not because you really wanted to? And before I continue, I don’t want this to sound like a non-consent story. It’s not … I don’t think. I’m fairly certain I gave some kind of consent, but I’m not really sure why I did. Or what the consent was. Let me explain and tell you the story of Number 40. My Mate’s Date’s Mate I was on the other side of the world and my mate was…

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Big Love My Dating Life NSFW / Sex True Tales 

A Blast of a Third Date

“Get down on the ground!” I watched him fall to the floor, not quite knowing what to do. There was a lot of commotion around me, but the alarm hadn’t gone off yet. That was usually the first thing to alert us to the danger — loud, repetitive, and every bit as frightening as the event it was used to signify. “Get down on the ground!” he shouted at me again. I still had the strange, whistling sound we’d just heard in my head, replaying over and over and drowning…

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